
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weekend Recap: Illinois Edition Vol. 2

Trips back home are always a blast. This one was extra special, because we had LOTS to do for wedding planning purposes. We also got to celebrate my grandma's 86th birthday with some extended family. 

 Momma planted some pretty orange and blue pots!

 ...and is currently fostering THIS adorable little fluffball. His name is Kevin.

The sister and I were reunited... and did weird things.

I got some Illini supersweet. And was a very happy girl.

Judge away but it was 65 degrees outside. I was literally freezing in JULY. 


corgi on the road

I know what you're thinking... "mmmm look at the delicious cake!"
But it isn't a cake at all. 
It's Sandwich Loaf. A family delicacy.

On the way home, we drove past Busch stadium. 

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