
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Be sure to turn every day into la petite aventure.

I read this book over a rainy weekend. The author, Helena Frith Powell is a British expat and journalist who moved to France and went in search of the answer to exactly why French women possess that certain… "je ne sais quoi." 

via Amazon

While it is meant to be a light and fun read, I have to agree—given my assessments of the few French women that I've met—that many of her findings on French clichés are completely accurate. 

Things I learned from All You Need to be Impossibly French by Helena Frith Powell:

  1. How to stay slim: Always opt to walk. French women are keen on incorporating movement into daily life rather than scheduling "exercise" as a separate part of life. Regular stretching and toning of the muscles (think yoga, ballet bar exercises) is key.
  2. How to diet: Eat less, but eat good quality food. At home, have light dinners of salads and produce, at restaurants, order what you like, just be conscious of your portions. 
  3. How to feel sexy and confident: "All you need are two lipsticks [one for day and one for night] and a lover."
  4. How to look younger, as you grow older: A regulated skin-care regimen is the key to having beautiful skin. In France you will find the pharmacies with their glowing green crosses everywhere. They are packed with luxurious, high-quality make-up, cleansing lotions and anti-aging creams. And the best part? The price. 
  5. How to find romance: Sexy lingerie. Every day. Preferably matching. Underwear is apparently just as important as outerwear. Even if you are the only one who knows what you've got on underneath.

And the most important thing that I learned, (well, was reminded of) is that beauty alone is never enough— you've gotta have the wit and the intellect to go with it. In general, French women are avid readers, who stay on top of current events and are capable of sharing their opinions. The ability to carry a conversation will never go out of style. 

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