
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

bought this today, it's fine.

FYI- Martha is a really, really smart lady.

Just check out this April 29 article from 

Here are four lessons from Stewart on how to stay relevant, no matter what stage your business [or personal life/career] is in.

1. Be a life-long learner. "You should never retire; you shouldn't even use the word," Stewart said. "It implies going off into the sunset, and who wants to do that?" She pointed to career second acts such as parlaying a passion for gardening into a horticulture business. "There's always something else you can do," she said.
2. Seek inspiration everywhere. Take note of your surroundings, and always be on the lookout for new talent, said Stewart. She scouts out potential artists to feature in her magazines at events like the Smithsonian Craft Show. She also finds inspiration for new products everywhere, and even multi-tasked during the interview. The flower arrangement on stage sparked an idea for a pattern in her bed-sheet collection, she said.
3. Define what work-life balance means to you. Stewart makes no distinction between her personal and professional lives. "My life is my job, and my job is my life," she said. For an entrepreneur whose personal brand is her business, living and breathing work may be crucial for her success, but Stewart acknowledged that it won't work for everyone.
4. Keep going. Despite facing very public obstacles, including her 2004 trial and time spent in federal prison following an insider-trading scandal, Stewart keeps a positive outlook. "I've never hit a bottom, just bumps in the road," she said. Ever the epitome of her brand, Stewart said she never tries to distract herself from her problems. Instead, she seeks opportunities for inspiration, such as gardening, when times are tough.

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