
Friday, August 23, 2013

smile in the age of worry.

Mary from the blog Schmidt Talk wrote a post entitled "25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25." 

I adore this. 

Here are a few of my favorite tid-bits on her list

7. "Speaking of adventure, keep doing it. Travel the world as often as money and time will allow because you know how invaluable those experiences are but don’t forget about the smaller adventures. Those weekend getaways with your best friends, the 3 days spent caravanning around the state to help your brother and sister-in-law move into a new house, or the afternoons spent in a retirement community with your parents. Those experiences are just as invaluable and they fill your soul."  

9. "In fact, make time for everyone in your life. You have a lot of people in your life who you love and who love you, be grateful. Don’t ever become one of those people who just gets too “busy.” Make time for the walk in the park, the cup of coffee, the glass of wine, the phone conversation. Make time."    

10. "Posture. Work on that. That curve in your back is going to be a lot more painful when you’re 70."     
via Google 

22. "Read more books. Blogs are great. Online media is great. But don’t forget to close your computer every once and awhile and pick up a real book or a newspaper."          

24. "Always spend time in nature. Work in the garden and get dirt in your nails. Look up at the redwoods and know that you will never see the top. Stand at the edge of the ocean and wonder what’s beyond the horizon. Take it all in."

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