
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Edition

For Thanksgiving this year, Dan and I decided to blow off our families spend the holiday with our friends in D.C. We had a free flight with all the miles we earned from the honeymoon travels, so we figured, why not, we may never get the opportunity again. 

Besides, spending time laughing with our favorite boys and girls in our favorite city is just the best thing ever.

We arrived around noon on Thanksgiving day and took a cab straight to the old house in Glover Park. Our pals greeted us with fresh Keystones and big hugs. 

We immediately stuffed that 21-pounder and stuck him on the grill.

Meanwhile, Cole marinated the duck that he had harvested for our feast. He didn't know what a bay leaf was. He's such a boy. So adorable.


The place setting was perfect and so was the company. 

And of course, no Thanksgiving would be complete with out a wrestling match. 

On Friday night we headed across town for a delicious chili dinner party hosted by DC's finest.

We arrived at 5, and stuffed our faces/played a million completely politically incorrect rounds of catchphrase until the wee hours.

I got to pretend like I still lived there and ride the metro. The Dupont Circle stop is my favorite :)

We ventured out to H st. and spent the day playing MORE games.

Girls dinner with my #1 B

Bumped into Jess and spent the night at one of our old stomping grounds, Marvin, re-living the shenanigans of our 23-year-old-selves.

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